Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The End is Nigh

The end of the quarter is coming up. Only two more days till freedom. What will I do with all that time? I have no idea. Hopefully, I will keep busy and spend small amounts of money.

Did you know that art is a wonderful way to slowly drive yourself crazy. Yes, if you are looking for an excuse to go insane, you can't beat art. I don't have time to list all the crazies who were also artists. Rest assured, they were all gifted and very disturbed.

I have chosen to be an illustrator, which will hopefully lessen my chances of chopping off my own ear and sending it in a nice little box to my lover. Illustrators don't have time for such nonsense. We have deadlines to meet.

To the side: Hello Ginta!
Photoshop Collage

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