Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I love it when...

Okay, so here's one that made the cut. This illustration took a lot of time and effort, but I think the results are great. Anotherwords, I'm very content with this illustration. If I can say that about something I've done, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

The story that goes along with this cover illustration is entitled "I Love it When". The story is all about a Mom who loves to watch her two daughters play, grow, and learn.

Monday, December 04, 2006

2nd Place

Not all of my ideas are brilliant. In fact, I rarely have a truly, inspired idea. It is thus with most artists. So, I'm beginning a new series. A record of all those off target ideas for illustrations. Sometimes, it can be interesting to see what could have been but never was.

Up first, a sketch for Deep Magazine that dealt with modern etiquette. The sketch was cute, but had absolutely nothing to do with the workplace. REJECTED, as it should have been. Still, it was a nice sketch. Some people might also be interested to see what one of my sketchs looks like. This has been scanned into Photoshop. Then I added some value to give it depth.

Basically, the idea was contrast. The lady on the left has very poor etiquette, while the lady on the right is appalled by her companion's lack of decorum.