Tuesday, June 20, 2006

True Love comes out the Piano Forte

Some time ago, when Beth visited me in Savannah, she created this saying out of my custom made "Pride and Prejudice" magnetic poetry.

"True Love comes out the Piano Forte."

I would think this to be true always. Perhaps infatuation comes out the flute. Lust, the guitar, and hate, the drums. Let it not be said that anything but true love comes out the pianoforte.

Why do I have custom made "Pride and Prejudice" magnetic poetry? Perhaps it is better left unsaid.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Pigeon on my Porch

Several days ago, a pigeon decided to roost upon my porch. It was a baby pigeon. I captured him in a box and released him next to some bushes. I felt sorry for him, but I didn't know what to do. He would certianly starve on my porch. As far as I could tell, he wasn't able to fly.

The next morning, I opened my blinds, and he was sitting right in front of the door, gazing up at me. He had climbed all the way back up the stairs! Perhaps this pigeon had formed some sort of attachement to me, or to my door mat, or maybe to my tiny herb garden. Once again, I rangled him into the box (it took a while, he was fiesty) and then dumped him back in the bushes. I also gave him some leftover popcorn (which he ignored).

I haven't seen him since. I hope he is okay.